The Callion Project area is located approximately 13km south west of the Davyhurst Processing Plant. The project area includes the main Callion deposit, one of the five advanced mining targets defined in the Company’s Definitive Feasibility Study. Additionally, the company has identified a number of noteworthy prospects within the project area which will be systematically tested.
Callion Project Area
The Callion deposit is characterised by a series of steeply east-dipping, to sub-vertical stacked quartz lodes, striking approximately 350°. Within and beneath the existing Callion open pit, mineralisation is intimately associated with a sequence of steeply east-dipping felsite units which trend parallel to mineralisation. Thickness of individual felsite units vary up to a maximum of approximately 8m. Gold mineralisation is generally focused preferentially within metabasalt proximal to the felsite/metabasalt contact. A dominant singular quartz lode extends to the south beneath the southern end of the pit and has been historically exploited by previous underground operators. Mineralisation remains open to the south.
Callion Deposit – OBM Drill Results
Callion Deposit – Cross Section 6,665,970N
Callion Deposit – Cross Section 6,665,330N
Callion Deposit – Long Section (Looking West)
Around the Gecko-Gila-Tata prospects, approximately 7km south of Callion, OBM has identified a 5km x 2km NE trending zone of strongly anomalous gold in near-surface geochemical samples. The zone of anomalism aligns with a regional parallel drainage channel over an interpreted NE-trending fault. Historical drilling has not specifically targeted NE-trending structures. Follow-up Aircore and RC drilling is planned.
Callion Project - Mineral Resources
Callion Project - Mineral Reserves
The table below summarises the cumulative gold production from the project based on the available records;